22 юни 2004


john mccain for president - the choice of cracklicking democrats everywhere. seriously, people, get the FUCK out of my party. my prediction in the summer of 2002 was that bush would fall as everyone scrambled to the first alpha republican they comfortably knew just afuckinbout nothing about. not unsimilarly, democrats with the biggest problems with kerry are the ones who know just enough spoon-fed spun-dry factoids about the guy to have the least qualified opinion on the subject. republicans were most certainly watching when people rushed to clarke on a rumour he might have headed nato and been a republican once. coz you know, that means something or other coz a nation paralysed by fear surley has it's fur feeling the wind. how many dean people did you happen to meet who said they really wanted kucinich but had picked up the "he's unelectable" virus? imagine kucinich v. bush, bush and his party would be going down together, none of this switch to alpha.republican horseshit. in the meantime, some of us out here can lay off getting hysterical over skull n'bones coz we didn't see everyone get all hysterical over the last democrat's rhodesia scholarship. emmiright? but my guy kucinich at the texas primary, yeha, texas passed the department of peace resolution. so yall can shut the fuck up about texas now, texas didn't invent bush. lazy democrats who didn't get off their ass to make sure he couldn't beat ann know exactly what i mean. you were the majority of people in every sullen room i walked through for days afterward. ann totally knew. anyway. i got gore-mail, yay! oh god i so wanted him to win. and now i live in such a third world ditch i bet we wouldn't even have had the nuts to boot ferdinand marcos. the ashcroft army's hassling bev harris anyway, just to be sure. in the meantime i positioned myself in a very lovely, somewhat wonderfully geographically isolated, far corner of this freakshow and it's unnervingly voracious proto-militant-fundamentalist takeover. hey how about that gaza strip! it used to look a lot smaller than the west bank, boygeez that "security" wall is pure perspective genius! i'd love to stay and help manoeuvre the big moonies/eastern lightning/atf showdown in the midwestern cornfields or manchuria or wherever it's gonna happen, but i kinna wanna run away from soap opera society alltogether. btw i don't blame corporatists or republicans, they're just doing their thing. i just don't want to remain in the boiling pot with the frogsheep majourity.