01 юли 2004

The Empire Strikes Again: A Review of Stars Wars: Episode 1

"In 1960s University of California, San Diego was one of hotbeds of student movement. Herbert Marcuse, one of the ideologists of this movement, was teaching here and Angela Davis (now herself a professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz) was one of the students. (When I was a pupil in the school in Moscow in the early 1970s I once had to draw a big poster which said "Free Angela Davies!" Later we were all marching under a cloudy Communist sky, as Star Destroyers were flying above us... this was long, long ago, in the galaxy far away which later was liberated by the Federation.) The University of California did not know how to get rid of Marcuse; so they changed the age of mandatory retirement in the University system, and Marcuse had to retire. Today very few traces of all this are left. The students worry about the final exams, not the war in Yugoslavia. Yes, and they do worry about Star Wars."