10 юли 2004

Political Science > Thoughts on the topic. Antonina Kolodii's Project.

"But it is no less important to understand and overcome Stalinism, which from my standpoint can be defined as a system of views of the essence of Socialist social relations that evolved as a result of the vulgarization, dogmatization, and revision of Marxism in a spirit of barracks-hierarchic conceptions together with the totality of the practical methods of implementing these views. In other words, Stalinism is the theory and policy of consolidating that form of state bureaucratic socialism that we are today in the process of restructuring. To give an exhaustive answer to the question of why this vast country developed along just this path, it is necessary to analyze the totality of the socioeconomic, political, cultural, historical, and intellectual-theoretical factors that contributed to it. Neither A. Tsipko nor any other author can yet provide such an analysis; for this, more time is still needed."