14 юли 2004

Summer Literary Seminars

"SLS is premised on the not-so-novel idea that one's writing can greatly benefit from the keen sense of temporary displacement created by an immersion in a thoroughly foreign culture and street vernacular; that one's removing himself/herself from the routine context of his/her life, of one's own free will, tends to provide for a creative jolt, as it were—by offering up a wholly new perspective, new angle of looking at the customary and the mundane. SLS in St. Petersburg, Russia, was first held in 1999. Since then the program has doubled in size each year as its reputation has grown. We've prided ourselves on bringing together the finest American writers and literary scholars with their Russian counterparts in a four-week flurry of writing related activities in the midst of the literary landscape that is St. Petersburg." [omfg i might go.. !]