01 март 2013

Neoconservatism: An Obituary for an Idea (Cato Institute Book Forum, 2011)

26 юли 2005

Haaretz - Israel News - The many colors of marketing success

"After much consulting with marketing experts, TheMarker's number one choice was the campaign against the disengagement from the Gaza Strip, led by the Gush Katif headquarters and its director, Rafi Seri. Not only did the campaign lead to a dramatic change in public opinion, from 65 percent in favor of the disengagement before the campaign to less than 50 percent when the list was published, but also the campaign's simplicity and "viral" effectiveness bore witness to the ability of a simple message with a simple symbol to recruit supporters and advance a cause."

07 януари 2005

Imagining the Unimaginable - The terrorist in my novel versus the real ones. By Jennifer Egan

"a celebrity culture as beguiling to Americans as it is abroad, a culture that proliferates not through some grand Machiavellian scheme but through sheer demand—is, from his own perspective, even more insidious. But acts of violence can't defeat it."

01 януари 2005

About / Airline Ambassadors

"Airline Ambassadors was founded by American Airlines flight attendant Nancy Rivard in 1996. Her extensive travel led to a love for the global community and a desire to help children. She founded AAI to inspire others to travel in service to humanity and use their vacation time to bring compassion into action."

29 декември 2004


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White House proves stupidity contagious

GEORGE W. Bush may be the dumbest guy in the White House, but he’s not alone. White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said the president was meeting with religious leaders "to talk about the importance of tolerism, er, tolerance."

Later, when Fleischer repeated the nonword--"tolerism"--he started to sweat. Fleischer rushed to defend the president’s vocabulary and quell any speculation.

"Don’t think what you all are thinking," squealed Fleischer. "That was my word. Stop it!"

--Washington Post, September 20, 2001
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17 декември 2004

sinosplice | about

"The purpose of the site is to provide a peek into the life of an American attempting to integrate himself, somewhat, into Chinese society. In this day and age, a tall white American simply cannot truly integrate into Chinese society. I simply stand out too much, and this society is still very much homogeneous (at least in the sense that almost everyone has Asian features). Nevertheless, I try to understand the culture, I try to master the language, I try to make the most of any disadvantages I find to living in China. Then I try to pass on to Sinosplice visitors some of what I have gained.

My site is different from the sites of many other teachers living in China or doing JET in Japan because I'm actually here for a number of years, with the goal of high fluency in Mandarin Chinese."