29 юни 2004

Donna Haraway - A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century

"It has become difficult to name one's feminism by a single adjective -- or even to insist in every circumstance upon the noun. Consciousness of exclusion through naming is acute. Identities seem contradictory, partial, and strategic. With the hard-won recognition of their social and historical constitution, gender, race, and class cannot provide the basis for belief in 'essential' unity. There is nothing about teeing 'female' that naturally binds women. There is not even such a state as 'being' female, itself a highly complex category constructed in contested sexual scientific discourses and other social practices. Gender, race, or class consciousness is an achievement forced on us by the terrible historica experience of the contradictory social realities of patriarchy, colonialism, and capitalism. And who counts as 'us' in my own rhetoric?"

26 юни 2004

Z, dir. Costa-Gavras, 1969 (Wikipedia entry)

"As the closing credits roll, instead of listing the cast and crew, the filmmakers list the things banned by the junta. They include: peace movements, strikes, labor unions, long hair on men, The Beatles, other modern and popular music, Sophocles, Tolstoy, Aeschylus, Socrates, Eugene Ionesco, Sartre, Chekhov, Mark Twain, Samuel Beckett, the bar association, sociology, international encyclopedias, free press, new math. Also banned is the letter Z, which has been scrawled on the sidewalk as the film's final image, as a symbolic reminder that "the spirit of resistance lives."

to provide for the punishment of certain profane broadcasts, and for other purposes.

"As used in this section, the term `profane', used with respect to language, includes the words `shit', `piss', `fuck', `cunt', `asshole', and the phrases `cock sucker', `mother fucker', and `ass hole', compound use (including hyphenated compounds) of such words and phrases with each other or with other words or phrases, and other grammatical forms of such words and phrases (including verb, adjective, gerund, participle, and infinitive forms).'."

Boston.com - Clinton's bracelet? It's not what you think

"Upon returning to Colombia in 2002, Clinton was given a welcome bracelet by the children, and he has not taken it off since. It is, he says, a daily reminder of 'why it's important to work for peace and stand together against terror.""

The Open Video Project

"Anticipating a future with widespread access to large digital libraries of video, a great deal of research is currently focused on many areas related to digital video. Research in these areas requires that each investigator acquire and digitize video for their studies since the multimedia information retrieval community does not yet have a standard collection of video to be used for research purposes.

The purpose of the Open Video Project is to collect and make available a repository of digitized video content for the digital video, multimedia retrieval, digital library, and other research communities. Researchers can use the video to study a wide range of problems, such as tests of algorithms for automatic segmentation, summarization, and creation of surrogates that describe video content; the development of face recognition algorithms; or creating and evaluating interfaces that display result sets from multimedia queries. Because researchers attempting to solve similar problems will have access to the same video content, the repository is also intended to be used as a test collection that will enable systems to be compared, similar to the way the TREC conferences are used for text retrieval. "

St.Petersburg Cats - the Most Self-Sufficient Cats of the World!

Good for Wallpapers, 1024x768 JPG
this site also boasts some very very lovely photos of saint petersburg & suburbs

Christopher Lydon Interviews... :Gore Vidal

"Harry Truman's Cold War was the beginning of the end of our Great Republic, in the Vidal litany--the 'Russians are coming' campaign when Truman and Dean Acheson knew that the Russians weren't going anywhere. "Senator Vandenberg told Truman: 'if you want this buildup because "the Russians are coming," you're going to have to frighten the American people to death or you're not going to get any money out of Congress.' Truman said: 'I'll take care of that,' and he did!""

25 юни 2004

Nicholas D. Kristof: Dithering as Others Die

"If the Sudanese were notorious pirates of American videotapes, if they were sheltering Mullah Omar, you'd be all over them. So why not stand up just as forcefully to genocide?"

23 юни 2004

Общеизвестно мнение, что готическая архитектура отражает в своих формах характер сосновых лесов средней и северной Европы. Константин Васильев разделял его, и полотно "Лесная готика" очень наглядно и грандиозно передает этот образ леса - храма… Стрельчатость просветов меж стволами сосен, как бы зависшая в воздухе елочка рождают в воображении образ обязательной для храма люстры, свисающей под стрельчатым же куполом на длиннейшей цепи. Воздух вибрирует в переливчатых звуках органа - его верхних регистров, дрожит и сотрясается в могучих звуках ревущих басовых труб…

22 юни 2004


john mccain for president - the choice of cracklicking democrats everywhere. seriously, people, get the FUCK out of my party. my prediction in the summer of 2002 was that bush would fall as everyone scrambled to the first alpha republican they comfortably knew just afuckinbout nothing about. not unsimilarly, democrats with the biggest problems with kerry are the ones who know just enough spoon-fed spun-dry factoids about the guy to have the least qualified opinion on the subject. republicans were most certainly watching when people rushed to clarke on a rumour he might have headed nato and been a republican once. coz you know, that means something or other coz a nation paralysed by fear surley has it's fur feeling the wind. how many dean people did you happen to meet who said they really wanted kucinich but had picked up the "he's unelectable" virus? imagine kucinich v. bush, bush and his party would be going down together, none of this switch to alpha.republican horseshit. in the meantime, some of us out here can lay off getting hysterical over skull n'bones coz we didn't see everyone get all hysterical over the last democrat's rhodesia scholarship. emmiright? but my guy kucinich at the texas primary, yeha, texas passed the department of peace resolution. so yall can shut the fuck up about texas now, texas didn't invent bush. lazy democrats who didn't get off their ass to make sure he couldn't beat ann know exactly what i mean. you were the majority of people in every sullen room i walked through for days afterward. ann totally knew. anyway. i got gore-mail, yay! oh god i so wanted him to win. and now i live in such a third world ditch i bet we wouldn't even have had the nuts to boot ferdinand marcos. the ashcroft army's hassling bev harris anyway, just to be sure. in the meantime i positioned myself in a very lovely, somewhat wonderfully geographically isolated, far corner of this freakshow and it's unnervingly voracious proto-militant-fundamentalist takeover. hey how about that gaza strip! it used to look a lot smaller than the west bank, boygeez that "security" wall is pure perspective genius! i'd love to stay and help manoeuvre the big moonies/eastern lightning/atf showdown in the midwestern cornfields or manchuria or wherever it's gonna happen, but i kinna wanna run away from soap opera society alltogether. btw i don't blame corporatists or republicans, they're just doing their thing. i just don't want to remain in the boiling pot with the frogsheep majourity.

[whirls around esctatically]


Don't You F.Y.R.O.M. Me!

yeha, no kidding!
i'd be pretty much all like wtf, people, too.

21 юни 2004

ground materials cook faster, reducing excuses for campires

wherever you go, there the long-term effects of poor sleeping habits are

whatever mass consensus projection of conflated human psyche dominates a particular time known for its migrations, puritans are no more the majourity of refugees than refugees the majourity of migrants

build a little general smedly butler sidecar in the birdhouse in your soul

node-tree information management structures (or at least the ones i'm using) could use lateral non-heirarchical symlinks to other nodes

in the geburt einter nation on the occupied europe tour live album one of the guitar motifs momentarily riffs into a devo hook

take punitive bible stories with a grain of salt