20 юли 2004

[green green water] - enter

"In the 1970's Manitoba Hydro, a Canadian government-owned utility company signed a treaty, the Northern Flood Agreement, with the Aboriginal peoples of northern Manitoba to build hydroelectric dams that would change the lives of the Cree forever. Billions of Canadian tax dollars went into creating this series of dams. Since that time, thousands of acres of pristine wilderness have been flattened by rushing water; an Aboriginal economy which relies on hunting and fishing has been all but destroyed; and the many Cree residents claim that Manitoba Hydro is not living up to their end of the Northern Flood Agreement."

Puget Sound River History Project

"The Puget Sound River History Project studies the historical landscape of Puget Sound's lowland rivers and estuaries as a dynamically linked geophysical, ecological, and human system. The historical emphasis is on conditions at the time of earliest Euro-American settlement in the mid-19th century, but also includes the landscape's post-glacial, Holocene (10,000 yrs BP) evolution and the last century and a half of change. We undertake interdisciplinary research that integrates archival investigations, field studies, and the tools of geographic information systems and remote sensing."

Newsmax Conceals Truth About Sun Myung Moon

"A Newsmax article declared: "The paper's ownership by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon provided a convenient straw man for the nation's liberal media to attack this new independent voice that eschewed ideological bias in favor of good, hard-nosed reporting. The Times simply ignored the attacks, making clear that even though the Rev. Moon might own the paper, he allowed the staff complete independence."

[not only that, they concealed an elephant with a room!]

in which [...] the end of an era is notoriously and insiduously here.

"When we were first assigned the task of completing a blog about the concepts and ideas discussed in class I was very excited. Now, after writing what I’m fairly confident constitutes at least the equivalent of the minimum, I am excited to have done such a thing."

From opposition leader to IMF linchpin (11 March 1998)

"Kim Dae Jung’s willingness to link arms with his former persecutors should serve as a sharp warning to South Korean workers of the measures he is prepared to use against them. In his inaugural address, Kim called for South Koreans to 'shed sweat and tears' to overcome the country’s worsening economic crisis.

The billionaire financier and speculator George Soros attended the ceremony to hear Kim Dae Jung pledge to do his utmost to induce foreign investment in order to 'strengthen the competitiveness of businesses and raise the transparency of the economy'."

19 юли 2004

Lake Balaton, Hungary

"The "Hungarian Sea", is the people's name for the 50 mile long lake with silky green-yellow water in the middle of Transdanubia. Lake Balaton is one of Hungary's most precious treasures and most frequented resort. It is the largest lake in Central Europe. At its center, the depth is 52.5 ft. The southern shores are ideal for small children because of the shallow water. On the north shore the water gets deeper immediately. The summer water temperature of around 80 °F is warmer than the air in the morning and in the evening. The water and the silky mud of the lake are very good remedies for nervous complaints, anemia and nervous fatigue."

Among The Settlers: Will they destroy Israel? by Jeffrey Goldberg

"Cohen and other settlers say that they are obliged to fulfill God’s command that Jews settle the land of Israel. But there are safer places to live than King David Street in Hebron. I asked Cohen how she reconciled her decision to settle here with an even greater imperative of Judaism, the saving of lives—in this case, those of her children. She glared at me. 'Hellenizers'—secular Jews—'will never understand,' she said with contempt."

18 юли 2004

Kucinich for President mailing list » Something's happening

A year ago, we decided that we cared enough about changing the direction of our nation that we would stand up, speak out, band together, and work within the system collectively to have an impact far greater and much sooner than we could possibly have trying to effect change from outside the system.

We called on the Democratic Party to open its arms to all of us and to all of our ideas and ideals. We trudged through every state in the Union, finding support and encouragement, but also sometimes disappointment and even derision. We fought to expand the base of the Party by demanding that it move away from the comfort and convenience of centrist policies so that, with a broader and more diverse constituency, we could all unite to win back the White House, provide a new vision and new hope for the people of our country, and re-establish ourselves as decent, moral, respected members of the world community.

Has our strategy succeeded? Have we had the impact we had hoped in moving the Democratic Party in a more enlightened and more progressive direction?

Critics, of whom there are many, will say "no." Despite our most concerted efforts in Miami to persuade the Democratic Platform Committee to take bold and principled positions on the most crucial issues of our time, we were overwhelmingly outnumbered by those who preferred to play it safe. We could have fought "to the death," as some critics have urged, and still never garnered enough votes to even force a public debate on the floor. Instead, we succeeded in getting the Party leadership to acknowledge the legitimacy and importance of our issues, offer compromise language they hoped would be acceptable, and eventually agreed to an amendment calling for a reduction in U.S. military presence in Iraq – rather than an increase.

Was it enough? No. Yet it was a significant step in a direction that would not have even been otherwise considered. Leaders of the Party and the members of the Platform Committee came away with an unanticipated appreciation and respect for the depth of national concern about these issues and the intensity with which these battles will continue to be waged.

Will any of this really make a difference in November? Or beyond? That depends upon us. If we continue raising our voices, challenging conventional wisdom, arguing with heightened fervor for peace and justice and equity in our laws and our policies, then "yes," it will make a difference. The Democratic Party is listening. Little by little, perhaps too-little by too-little, it is moving and will continue to move in the direction that millions of Americans want it to. Now is not the time to abandon our efforts or the principles that brought us together, and we don't intend to.

A year ago, it seemed like something more wishful and hopeful than reachable or real. We believed in the journey we were about to start, but we had no illusions about the magnitude of the challenge. We enlisted in the long-shot Presidential campaign of a candidate advocating "radical" ideas like peace, health care for all, new economic policies that create jobs rather than ship them overseas, protection of our civil liberties, insistence on equal rights under the law, expanded educational funding ... a candidate committed to bring about truly progressive change to the politics and policies of our nation, but within the framework of the Democratic Party.

And there we were – some of us total strangers to the political process: bright, spirited, caring 20-somethings who never imagined themselves as participants in a national political movement. Some of us, the 50-somethings, had either plunged or dipped our toes in the process in the 60's and 70's but left, either disillusioned or inspired to try other approaches. And everyone in between, from all over the country, every age, every occupation and lifestyle, every race and religion, and every life experience.

What united us was our candidate, Dennis Kucinich, and what he stood for. But it was more than that. Separately, and in different ways, the anti-progressive, pro-war, anti-civil liberties, pro-corporate political agenda of a Republican White House and a Republican-controlled Congress united us.

With just a week remaining in the work defined by the candidacy of Dennis Kucinich, we are gearing up to take our issues-–your issues--to the Democratic National Convention where our delegates and our supporters will make sure we continue to be heard. Throughout the city of Boston, at rallies, forums, neighborhood meetings, and other events, thousands of similar-minded people will raise their voices along with ours as we continue to push for more progress. And more. And more. To do what still needs to be done, we need the continued financial support of Americans, who believe as we do, that change is absolutely imperative, even if it comes only one step at a time. Your contribution will help ensure that we can continue moving the Democratic Party and the nation in the direction that all of us want it to go. Without your support, we wouldn't have made it this far. With your support, there's no telling how far we can go.

The quest for peace, health care, civil liberties, justice, and all the other issues we believe in did not end in Miami. It will not end in Boston. It will not end in November. It has only just begun. Each day, more and more Americans are saying what we all have been saying since those first early days of this historic journey. It's time for a new direction, a new vision, a new way of looking at what this country stands for and what it needs to do to represent the interests of its people. And it's happening. Right now through a political campaign. We cannot afford to give up on any opportunity. If we are united in purpose and committed to continue the journey, whatever the odds and whatever the setbacks, we will ensure that it happens even sooner.

In the Spirit of Peace,
Dot Maver
National Campaign Manager

July 19, 2004

Contact us:
Kucinich for President
11808 Lorain Avenue - Cleveland, OH 44111
216-889-2004 / 866-413-3664 (toll-free)

17 юли 2004

FACTNet - Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network

"F.A.C.T.Net (Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network) is a nonaligned electronic lending library and preservation archive. The purpose of Factnet's news and historic archive service is to promote independent investigation and public debate and dialog on cult and mind control issues critical to our social and individual well-being. Statements made in any documents in any of our libraries on or off the Internet do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the F.A.C.T.Net organization. F.A.C.T.Net provides only the electronic medium for transferring information, with the explicit understanding that each user will independently evaluate it and carefully make up his or her own mind as to its factual accuracy and usefulness."

16 юли 2004

The Fiftieth Anniversary of The Marshall Plan

"In connection with the United States-European Union conference, 'Bridging the Atlantic: People-to-People,' Washington, D.C., May 5-6, 1997, these links to materials on the Marshall Plan were developed by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (the National Library of the Netherlands), and other European libraries."

Political Linguistics

"As the Soviet Union began to collapse, my research turned to developing the emerging field of political linguistics. Just as political psychology imports ideas from the discipline of psychology to study politics, political sociology imports sociological ideas, and political economy imports economic ideas, political linguistics borrows from the discipline of linguistics, and particularly the subfield of pragmatics -- the study of how people use language to affect each other's behavior. I turned to political linguistics because I noticed how social and economic conditions in Russia were obstructing rather than fostering progress toward democracy, yet Russia seemed to be establishing democracy anyway. Successful conduct of the 1999 parliamentary election and the victory of pro-democracy parties are the latest evidence of this steady trend. Suspecting that political communications might be responsible for the paradox of political change counter to social and economic conditions, I began to investigate whether Russian political communications were changing and what effects the new language of politics might be having."

Public Politics in an Authoritarian State

"Competitive politics subjected Soviet policy making to the same inefficiencies that plague policy making in an electoral society. Policies are inefficient for two reasons: (a) politicians build constituencies by symbolic appeals that supplant objective problems as the targets of policy and (b) successful competitors resolve their disagreements over policy by logrolling their respective policy proposals regardless of whether the resulting policies are mutually compatible in the real world. Substitution of symbolism for reality in policy-making combines with logrolling of mutually incompatible policies to inflict high costs on the citizenry of an electoral polity, but the polity persists despite the inefficiency of its policies because most citizens are partisans."

15 юли 2004

Cyprus, the EU and Borderland Theory

"Steven, there's a fucking uglyass bullshit WAR on the border with Turkey. Don't go making the EU out to be a bunch of bigots just because their 'intolerance' can't entirely embrace the folks getting hammered over the head with the flying shitheap pouring out the greasy end of the fweeeeee market. Take your dual aegis of the U.S. and the EU, 'without UN interference o euu euu euuu' and shove it. Bless you for doing more research than most pundits put together but seriously, you relate to the humans like a bug on goofballs."

Ashkenazy talks about Shostakovich

"Vladimir Ashkenazy was interviewed by John Stratford and John Riley in October 1991 while travelling by car to his hotel from Walthamstow Town Hall, where he had spent the day rehearsing the Eighth Symphony with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra."

The Moguchaya Kuchka are my favorite band

"I'm especially partial to a musical group called The Fist. They also answer to The Five or Moguchaya Kuchka, the Russian name for Mighty Handful—a group of 19th-century Russian composers: Aleksey Balakirev, Aleksandr Borodin, César Antonovich Cui, Modeste Moussorgsky, and Nicolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov, who drew on Russian history, literature, and folklore to write music of a distinctly national and very romantic character."

14 юли 2004

Summer Literary Seminars

"SLS is premised on the not-so-novel idea that one's writing can greatly benefit from the keen sense of temporary displacement created by an immersion in a thoroughly foreign culture and street vernacular; that one's removing himself/herself from the routine context of his/her life, of one's own free will, tends to provide for a creative jolt, as it were—by offering up a wholly new perspective, new angle of looking at the customary and the mundane. SLS in St. Petersburg, Russia, was first held in 1999. Since then the program has doubled in size each year as its reputation has grown. We've prided ourselves on bringing together the finest American writers and literary scholars with their Russian counterparts in a four-week flurry of writing related activities in the midst of the literary landscape that is St. Petersburg." [omfg i might go.. !]

Leon Theremin interview, Lev Sergeivitch Termen interview, Olivia Mattis

"I played Glinka's "Skylark", which he loved very much, and Vladimir Il'yich said, after all this applause, that I should show him, and he would try himself to play it. He stood up, moved to the instrument, stretched his hands out, left and right: right to the pitch and left to the volume. I took his hands from behind and helped him. He started to play "Skylark". He had a very good ear, and he felt where to move his hands to get the sound: to lower them or to raise them. In the middle of this piece I thought that he could himself, independently, move his hands. So I took my hands off of his, and he completed the whole thing independently, by himself, with great success and with great applause following. He was very happy that he could play on this instrument all by himself."

10 Stories the world needs to know more about

"To shine a spotlight on some of the important international issues and developments that often do not get sufficient media attention, the United Nations Department of Public Information presents a new initiative - "Ten Stories the World Should Hear More About." This list includes a number of humanitarian emergencies, as well as conflict or post-conflict situations and spans other matters of concern to the United Nations, although it is far from embracing all of the many issues before the Organization. The stories are not ones that have never been reported, but are often second-rung issues that need more thorough, balanced and regular attention. The list itself is a snapshot of the most compelling stories that, at this point in time, the Department of Public Information believes are in need of more media attention. And the top story is merely the first among equals."

::>> ArtPolitic << :

"ArtPolitic is a group of artists who have come together in order to bring to light social and political issues that we have deemed important. Collectively, ArtPolitic and it's members seek to promote thought, interest, and passion for a variety of diverse social issues. We seek to inform others and incite change through our art."

PLATFORM: Visual Poetry Exhibition

"PLATFORM: Visual Poetry Exhibition represents the phenomenon of visual poetry with works by recognized poets and by emerging young poets. Because visual poetry is not widely distributed in Russia, people in Russia do not know the work of the Russian visual poets. We want to return their poems to Russia, both in traditional and in digital forms. In addition to its importance to the people of Russia, this exhibition will be interesting for foreign artists, writers, and students of Slavic Languages."

13 юли 2004

Nature In Poland - Bialowieza Forest

"Bialowieza Forest is called by experts the last primeval forest in the European lowland area - or at least a part of its woods. A place where biologists research every niche of the forest-ecosystem, where eco-tourists meet 400 year old oaks, while local foresters harvest timber in the forest-stretches surrounding the strictly protected reserve. The forest is located on the border with White-Russia. A big fence prevents people to cross this line. But also European bisons, red deer and other animals live in separated families."

Prague Watchdog - Crisis in Chechnya - www.watchdog.cz

"Prague Watchdog is an on-line service that collects and disseminates information on the conflict in Chechnya, focusing on human rights, humanitarian aid conditions, media access and coverage, and the local political situation."

Voice of America Imperilled

"VOA News Director Andre de Nesnera was transferred from his position to senior diplomatic correspondent of VOA July 1 by VOA Director David Jackson. This was no routine personnel move. De Nesnera is an award-winning journalist who had been a steadfast shield against efforts of the presidentially-appointed director over the past two years to second guess VOA news copy, particularly on Iraq. No VOA chief executive has taken such a hands-on approach to the newscasts in at least half a century."

10 юли 2004

Lviv (Lvov) Photo Gallery Pictures of Ukraine.

"Lviv (other spellings: L'viv, Lvov, Lwiw, Lwow, Lemberg) is one of the most beautiful cities of Ukraine, the real pearl of European architecture. Its architectural landscape joins the monuments of numerous styles and different epochs. From the gothic XIV century Latin Cathedral to the baroque of St. George (Sviatoho Yura) Cathedral. Renaissance-style Bernardine Monastery and Chapel of Boimes coexist with the strict simplicity of Armenian Church. Lviv city has a rich and impressive history. Numerous historical events are concerned with the city. The walls of old Lviv buildings still keep the spirit of past centuries. Cozy streets and fascinating monuments make it a unique tourist attraction among the Ukrainian and Eastern European cities."

Political Science > Thoughts on the topic. Antonina Kolodii's Project.

"But it is no less important to understand and overcome Stalinism, which from my standpoint can be defined as a system of views of the essence of Socialist social relations that evolved as a result of the vulgarization, dogmatization, and revision of Marxism in a spirit of barracks-hierarchic conceptions together with the totality of the practical methods of implementing these views. In other words, Stalinism is the theory and policy of consolidating that form of state bureaucratic socialism that we are today in the process of restructuring. To give an exhaustive answer to the question of why this vast country developed along just this path, it is necessary to analyze the totality of the socioeconomic, political, cultural, historical, and intellectual-theoretical factors that contributed to it. Neither A. Tsipko nor any other author can yet provide such an analysis; for this, more time is still needed."

Elements of Realspace Imaging: A Proposed Taxonomy

"Stereoscopic images represent two single points of view, one for each eye, separated to give a noticable lateral displacement, or parallax. Parallax is often erroneously pitched as all that is necessary for depth in imagery (the stereoscopic movies of the 1950s were simply labelled "3D"). There is no easy way to record and reproduce parallax. First, two simultaneous views must be recorded, with care taken for proper convergence and disparity. Then, each view must be seen exclusively by each eye. Stereoscopic photography has a lively history dating back at least to Wheatstone's invention of the stereoscope in 1833.6 The most popular techniques require glasses to be worn (such as anaglyphic, polarized, or shutter). Methods not requiring glasses usually require the head to be held in a particular position (using mirrors, peepholes, or lenticular screens, for example)."

Roman Ros' - Free Jazz Experience

"ROMAN ROS’ - well known musician from L’viv, Ukraine. Roman represents modern music streams such as folk jazz, free musics, ethnic instrumentals. His violin improvisations, intricate rythms and syncopic accents lead audience to the very inner world of a sacred human soul from the one hand, and call the unrestraine joy and much fun from another. Using the wide range of folk instruments - the winds, percussions and the strings, Roman reaches the unique “presence at the beyond” effects. Large amount of various experiments with sounds - industrial ones as well as urban, wildlife’s and inanimate nature’s noises - results an genuine mix of the sentimental and at the same time the brisk mood. Plastic art and lyrics - the only necessary attributes of each perfomance - goes together with many original technical and light decisions."

BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Cuba seizes Colombia 'drug chief'

"Colombian police say one of the country's biggest drug-traffickers has been captured in Cuba. Luis Hernando Gomez Bustamante, who is also wanted by the US, was arrested after entering Cuba on a false Venezuelan passport, police said."

09 юли 2004

Oceana - Building an international movement to save the world's oceans.

"Oceana campaigns to protect and restore the world’s oceans. Our teams of marine scientists, economists, lawyers and advocates win specific and concrete policy changes to reduce pollution and to prevent the irreversible collapse of fish populations, marine mammals and other sea life. Global in scope and dedicated to conservation, Oceana has campaigners based in North America (Washington, DC; Juneau, AK; Los Angeles, CA), Europe (Madrid, Spain; Brussels, Belgium) and South America (Santiago, Chile). More than 200,000 members and e-activists in over 150 countries have already joined Oceana."


Journal of Foreign Policy of Moldova

Yam.ro -> Daily Chisinau

photoblog from chişinău, moldova

Ojster.com Photo Gallery

photoblog from slovenia, in english

Z is almost intolerably exciting - a political thriller that builds up so much tension that you'll probably feel all knotted up by the time it's over

"Z is undoubtedly intended as a political act, but it never loses emotional contact with the audience. It derives not from the traditions of the French film but from American gangster movies and prison pictures and "anti-Fascist" melodramas of the forties (Cornered, Crossfire, Brute Force, All the King's Men, Edge of Darkness, The Cross of Lorraine, et al.), and, like those pictures, it has a basically simple point of view. America stopped making this kind of melodrama (melodrama was always the chief vehicle for political thought in our films) during the McCarthy era, so Costa-Gravas has-the advantage of bringing back a popular kind of movie and of bringing it back in modem movie style."

Book Reviews: Thriller, Corporate and Political Espionage, Spy Stories

"So what I decided is that spy stories and thrillers do not have murdered bodies as the central theme as do Murder Mysteries. Yet, it's not that bodies aren't routinely murdered. However, the focus is instead on political or corporate intrigue, they are usually technical and detailed, they sometimes weave historical events or headline news. The plots tend to take place in several locations hopping from country to country. The protagonist is often affiliated with a government or other covert organization and the antics range from breathless chases to stealth operations. The heroes are not always good guys but are on the good team or they're the good guy on the wrong team. The bad guys are capable of the most heinous punishments and ruthless subterfuge. Out of all fiction, these make the best movies."

The Tree of Wooden Clogs (1978) - GreenCine synopsis

"Dramatizing a year in the life of northern Italian peasants at the turn of the century, Ermanno Olmi's THE TREE OF WOODEN CLOGS pays loving tribute to both the neo-realist style of filmmaking and a rural way of life that no longer exists. Hoping to create a better life for themselves, a poor family decide to send their young son to school despite the crushing sacrifice involved. When the boy's wooden clogs break on the long journey home, the seemingly minor incident sets into motion a series of tragedies that reverberate throughout the peasants' lives."

08 юли 2004

Phoetica - weblog about photographs

"Do you love photography? You are at the right place then."

A star from Mosul

photo blog! i lost track of my geography teacher, who was from nineveh/mosul. i love seeing more and more these photo blogs from all over the world turning up. someday when i've got oodles of money i might get one just to be able to add my little window to this gorgeous place.

jerusalem wanderings

"daily life in Jerusalem, thoughts on the peace process, on the people living in this country, brainstorming, dreams, personal stuff, etc." [cool blog - c]

Mezi zaslepen�mi bl�zny - the story of the film

"In the beginning, we got hold of a book. Just by accident. The book, published somewhere in Brooklyn, was describing the activities of the Working Group of Bratislava. Even though at first glance the book was more of a heroic tale then a serious historical work, we were shocked by the fact that we never heard about the Working Group, and that it is hardly mentioned in any of the Holocaust literature available in Czechoslovakia. In Prague and also Bratislava, the town where the Working Group came into being, nobody knew anything about the Working Group. This strange latency sparked our interest and we decided to look into the history of the Working Group in more detail."

07 юли 2004

Welcome to virtualdub.org!

i'm going to attempt to make this utility work again. last time it didn't, some sort of couldn't do it error after it seemed to try to. vlc is messed up lately, even sliding the hue bar in the extended gui just cycles through wierd colour sets. so i get to choose blue people or purple flora. the blue people actually look more normal because the flesh-toned people have gold lips. stuff that'll play in mplayerc so far all has ok colours. futzing with with this stuff makes my eyelids get really heavy. wow am i sleepy..

..:: Snow Patrol ::..

snow patrol flash game. i thought it was to be alpine stars, but the single playing on the flash card has lovely wall of sound, i may investigate further. i love snow.


"Molvanian is a difficult language to speak, let alone master. There are four genders: male, female, neutral, and the collective noun for cheeses, which occupies a nominative sub-section of its very own. The language also contains numerous irregular verbs, archaic phrases, words of multiple meaning and several phonetic sounds linguists suspect could represent either a rare dialect or merely peasants clearing their throat. This, coupled with a record number of silent letters, makes fluency a major challenge. You can, as some visitors have experimented with, simply try adding the letter ‘j’ or ‘z’ randomly to any word – but this will only get you so far.
Perhaps a better option is to memorise a few of our ‘Useful Phrases’ contained opposite. Remember, too, that the syntactical structure of written Molvanian can be rather complex, with writers routinely using the triple negative. Hence,

'Can I drink the water? '
becomes 'Erkjo ne szlepp statsik ne var ne vladrobzko ne '
(literally, ‘is it not that the water is not not undrinkable?’)
Fortunately, conversational Molvanian for the native speaker is a little less formal, and a native speaker wanting to know

'Can I drink the water? '
would only have to say ‘Virkum stas?’
(while clutching their stomach in a gesture of gastric distress.)"

Abolition of Social Benefits: Government Forced to Heed Nation's Reaction

"Russia's State Duma, the lower house of parliament, has adopted a bill in its first reading on replacing social benefits in-kind with monetary compensations. Interestingly, 66% of MPs supported the bill, which, according to sociological surveys, is the same percentage of the population that opposes it. [..] When the figures were disclosed, it was clear that they would not make up for the numerous benefits received by residents of small and large cities. In addition, housing and utilities fee benefits granted to those who worked for a long time in the Arctic and some areas in Siberia, children's allowances, medical and some other benefits were abolished, as were compensation payments for them. Only a third of the country's ten million disabled will be fully compensated for the benefits under the new bill, according to the Russian Society of the Disabled."

06 юли 2004

Nike Ground > intro

"In September 2003 the news went out nationwide: Karlsplatz, one of Vienna's main squares, is soon to be renamed Nikeplatz. Apart from the new name, it appears that a huge monument in the shape of Nike's famous "Swoosh" logo will be built in Nikeplatz. Needless to say, it is all fake. The one-month campaign provoked the reactions of Vienna's citizens, city officials and, of course, the Nike group, which has denied any involvement and starts legal action to put an end to this bizarre performance. This almost unbelievable prank is the work of the organization known as 0100101110101101.ORG, who this time have tricked an entire city: Vienna."

Korea Web Art Festival 2001

Atmospheric Optics

"Light playing on water drops, dust or ice crystals in the atmosphere produces a host of visual spectacles - rainbows, halos, glories, coronas and many more. Some can be seen almost every day or so, some are once in a lifetime sights. Find out where to see them and how they form. Then seek and enjoy them outdoors."

03 юли 2004

FAMA International

"FAMA International, founded in 1991, is Sarajevo based; media-publishing house with developing foundation activities and network of affiliated partners in Europe, USA and Japan. It is a leading company and the advocate for Global: Preservation, Integration and Educational/Application of the Collective Memory on human knowledge and experience pertaining to the Phenomenon of Sarajevo Siege (92/96). The official FAMA International web-site represents an electronic Gateway for all of those in quest for knowledge, facts & evidences and information on the Past, Present and Future state of the City of Sarajevo. Building a community of students, professors, teachers, librarians, intellectuals, researchers, diplomats, humanists, journalists, and general public with profound interest to learn and apply the lessons of Sarajevo Siege Phenomenon while observing and documenting the future developments."

02 юли 2004

The Axis of Hegel (Harpers.org)

"Two organized societies have made murder a factor in politics. Their founders were separated by hundreds of years in time, and by thousands of miles in space, and lived, one in a Christian, the other in a Mohammedan country. Both reached their terrible practical goal by paths which started from abstract philosophical disquisitions. The corruption of Arabian theology produced Hassan-Ben-Saba; the degeneration of European philosophy produced Bakunin."

01 юли 2004

The Empire Strikes Again: A Review of Stars Wars: Episode 1

"In 1960s University of California, San Diego was one of hotbeds of student movement. Herbert Marcuse, one of the ideologists of this movement, was teaching here and Angela Davis (now herself a professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz) was one of the students. (When I was a pupil in the school in Moscow in the early 1970s I once had to draw a big poster which said "Free Angela Davies!" Later we were all marching under a cloudy Communist sky, as Star Destroyers were flying above us... this was long, long ago, in the galaxy far away which later was liberated by the Federation.) The University of California did not know how to get rid of Marcuse; so they changed the age of mandatory retirement in the University system, and Marcuse had to retire. Today very few traces of all this are left. The students worry about the final exams, not the war in Yugoslavia. Yes, and they do worry about Star Wars."